Research staff:
Research programme:
Laboratory is engaged in the studies (preparation, structure characterization, magnetic and transport measurements) of artificial magnetic layered structures. The main goal of our investigations performed in last years was related to optimization of
GMR and
TMR (giant and tunnel magnetoresistance effects) structures for a particular applications. Currently we are interested in investigations of new structures, for example, containing Heusler, semi-Heusler alloys and semiconductors layers.
Main instruments:
- Vibrating Sample Magnetometer (VSM)
- Alternating Gradient Magnetometer (AGM)
- Faraday Magnetic Balance
- Ferromagnetic Resonance Spectrometers for X and Q bands
- Equipment for transport and magnetotransport measurements
- X-ray diffractometer
- Ultra-high vacuum sputtering system equiped with X-ray Photoemission Spectrometer (XPS) and Auger Electron Spectrometer (AES)
- Double face-to-face sputtering system
- Department of Physics, University of Bielefeld, Bielefeld, Germany
- Department of Physics, University of Kassel, Kassel, Germany
- Institut für Feskörperforschung, Forschungszentrum Jülich, Germany
- Laboratoire de Magnétisme Et d'Optique, Université de Versailles, Versailles, France
- Department of Physics, Hanyang University, Seoul, Korea
- Institute of Metal Physics, National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Kiev, Ukraine
- Institute of Electronic Materials Technology, Warszawa, Poland
- Institute of Physics, University at Białystok, Białystok, Poland
- Institute of Physics, A. Mickiewicz University, Poznań, Poland
- Electronics Department, University of Mining and Metallurgy, Kraków, Poland
Selected publications:
J. Dubowik, Y.V. Kudryavtsev, Y.P. Lee
Martensitic transformation in Ni2MnGa films: a ferromagnetic resonance
J. Appl. Phys., 95 (2004) 2912.
J. Dubowik, F. Stobiecki, I. Gościańska, Y.P. Lee, A. Pätzold, K. Röll
Enhanced spin-wave damping in exchange-biased films
Journal of the Korean Physical Society, 45 (2004) 42.
J. Dubowik, F. Stobiecki, I. Gościańska,
Temperature dependence of the higher order magnetic anisotropies in Co/Au layered
phys. stat. sol. (a), 196 (2003) 41
J. Dubowik, B. Szymański, F. Stobiecki, K. Roll
Interlayer exchange coupling across Cu/Ti/Cu spacer layer
phys. stat. sol. (a), 196 (2003) 86.
Y. V. Kudryavtsev, Y. P. Lee, J. Dubowik, J. Y. Rhee
Optical and magneto-optical properties of nanocrystalline Fe-rich Fe-Si alloy films
Phys. Rev. B, 68 (2003) 134416.
T. Luciński, P. Wandziuk, F. Stobiecki, B. Andrzejewski, M. Kopcewicz, A. Hütten, G. Reiss, W. Szuszkiewicz
Exchange interlayer coupling in Fe/SixFe100-x and Co/Si multilayers
J. Magn. Magn. Mater., 282 (2004) 248.
T. Luciński, M. Urbaniak, H. Brückl, A. Hütten, S. Heitmann, G. Reiss
Magnetoresistance effect in asymmetric dual spin-valves – device for three-state logic
J. Magn. Magn. Mater., 272-276 (2004) 1889.
T. Luciński, A. Hütten, H. Brückl, S. Heitmann, T. Hempel, G. Reiss
Magnetoresistance study of Ni80Fe20/Co1/CuAgAu/Co2 asymmetric sandwiches
J. Magn. Magn. Mater., 269 (2004) 78.
T. Luciński, M. Kopcewicz, A. Hütten, H. Brückl, S. Heitmann, T. Hempel, G. Reiss
Magnetic and Mössbauer study of Fe/Si multilayers
J. Appl. Phys., 93 (2003) 6501.
L. Smardz, K. Smardz, R. Czajka
Correlation between structural and magnetic properties in wedged Ti/Co multilayers,
phys. stat. sol. (a), 196 (2003) 173.
F. Stobiecki, B. Szymański, T. Luciński, J. Dubowik, M. Urbaniak, M. Schmidt, K. Röll
GMR sensors with linear and unhysteretic R(H) dependences
J. Magn. Magn. Mater., 272-276 (2004) e1751.
F. Stobiecki, B. Szymański, M. Urbaniak, T. Luciński, J. Dubowik, M. Kopcewicz, J. Jagielski, Y.P. Lee
Influence of ion irradiation on the magnetic properties of Fe/Cr multilayers
Journal of the Korean Physical Society, 45 (2004) 1.
F. Stobiecki, M. Kopcewicz, J. Jagielski, B. Szymański, M. Urbaniak, J. Dubowik, M. Schmidt, J. Kalinowska
Mössbauer spectroscopy, interlayer coupling and magnetoresistance of irradiated Fe/Cr multilayers.
Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 382 (2004) 174.
F. Stobiecki, B. Szymański, T. Luciński, J. Dubowik, M. Urbaniak, K. Röll
Magnetoresistance of layered structures with alternating in-plane and perpendicular anisotropies
J. Magn. Magn. Mater., 282 (2004) 32.
M. Urbaniak, H. Brückl, F. Stobiecki, T. Luciński, G. Reiss
Néel’s magnetostatic coupling in sputtered Cu/Py/V/Py/MnIr/Cu multilayers
Acta Physica Polonica A, 105 (2004) 307.
M. Urbaniak, T. Luciński, F. Stobiecki, B. Szymański, M. Schmidt, A. Ślązak,
Annealing effects on Co/Cu multilayers with alternating Co sublayer thicknesses
phys. stat. sol. (a), 196 (2003) 37.
M. Urbaniak, J. Schmalhorst, A. Thomas, H. Brückl, G. Reiss, T. Luciński, F. Stobiecki
Unidirectional anisotropy in MnIr/CoFe/Al+OX/NiFe TMR multilayer systems
phys. stat. sol. (a), 199 (2003) 284.
Last update 27.09.2011 by Dawid Konieczny