Exhibition - registration

General information about exhibitor/advertiser:

Indicate the type of your engagement with the conference:

The exhibition fee includes:

  • participation in all of the conference activities
  • a virtual booth to interact with customers
  • advertisement materials and links will be made available on the web-page of the conference
  • one page of advertisement in the conference booklet and the possibility to distribute the exhibitor's promotional materials via e-mail before the conference.

(Advertising materials should be sent via e-mail to the Conference Office: pmexpo21@ifmpan.poznan.pl no later than May 12th, 2021)

Please indicate additional advertising during the conference:

I want to be a sponsor of one Scientific Session (500 PLN):
(your company logo and name will be included in the schedule in the abstact book and will be displayed before this session)

Please indicate additional activities during the conference:

I want to publish a one page advertisement in the conference booklet (500 PLN):

I want to be a sponsor of one Scientific Session (500 PLN):
(your company logo and name will be included in the schedule in the abstact book and will be displayed before this session)

(Advertising materials should be submitted by May 12th, 2021, at the expense and responsibility of the advertiser)

Awards for young scientists sponsorships:

Dear Exhibitor and Advertiser! Become the Exclusive Sponsor of the Best Oral Presentation Award for Young Scientists or the Best Poster Presentation Award for Young Scientists. As the Exclusive Sponsor of the Award, your company's logo will be included exclusively on the award certificate.

I want to sponsor Best Poster Award for young scientists with PLN.

I want to sponsor Best Oral Presentation Award for young scientists with PLN.

Number of exhibitors:
Total fee: 3200 PLN (exhibition+conference fee) + PLN (additional activities)
Total fee: PLN

VAT is not included in any of prices.

Total fee: PLN (advertisements) + PLN (additional activities)
Total fee: PLN

All prices do not include VAT.

Information for Organizers / Special requests:


Copyright Institute of Molecular Physics Polish Academy of Sciences ❖ Design by Pawel.Lesniak@ifmpan.poznan.pl