(„Harmonia” Project

Graphene-based (and similar) nanostructures for spintronics and spin caloritronics. Theoretical studies

Conference presentations

  1. 20th International Conference on Magnetism, Barcelona, July 5-10, 2015 (1 poster),
  2. SpinTech 8th International School & Conference on Spintronics and Quantum Information Technology, Basel, Aug. 10–13, 2015 (2 posters),
  3. CSMAG’16 Conference, Košice (Słowacja), 13-17.06, 2016 (2 oral presentations),
  4. International Conference on the Physics of Semiconductors, Pekin (Chiny), 31.07-5.08, 2016 (2 posters),
  5. NanoWorld Conference, Boston (USA), 3-5. 04, 2017 (2 oral presentations).
  6. Physics of Magnetism, Poznań, 26-30. 06, 2017 (2 oral presentations)
Project was supported by the National Science Centre from funds awarded through the decision No. DEC-2013/10/M/ST3/00488.