Special Issue of Phase Transitions

In this year, conference papers will be published in the Special Issue of Phase Transitions. The Special Issue will be dedicated to honor the life-long scientific achievements of Professor Bożena Hilczer, on the occasion of her eightieth birthday. Professor Bożena Hilczer was for a long time Chairman of the Polish-Czech Seminar Structural and Ferroelectric Phase Transitions. The idea of this regular scientific meetings of physicist was born in the discussion between Bożena Hilczer and Jan Fousek.

Participants of the Conference are encouraged to present papers to the Special Issue of Phase Transitions edited by Bartłomiej Andrzejewski, Antoni Pawłowski, Andrzej Hilczer, Jan Petzelt and Jirka Hlinka. This Special Issue is scheduled to be published in 2016.

Authors should prepare their manuscripts in the Phase Transitions format. Detailed information on manuscript preparation can be found at the publisher’s website. Please use the following reference style (see page 6). The length of the papers is limited, no more than eight printed pages.

Submission of papers will be processed through the Phase Transitions website http://mc.manuscriptcentral.com/gpht. Deadline of submission: April 8th, 2016.

Please note that the date of the article submission is a lot earlier than the date of the Conference. We want to point out that there is no possibility to submit article during the Conference!

Instruction for authors:

  1. Please go to the following website and log in https://mc.manuscriptcentral.com/gpht - ScholarOneManuscripts™: please choose “Log In” or “Create an account”. Having an account “Log In” and move to point 2. below.
  2. Click on: Author Center
  3. Click on:
  4. All paragraphs (from 1 to 5) must be filled - please keep in mind that you must fill the e-mail address for all authors. In paragraph 1 ( Type, Title & Abstract in Manuscript type) please select Special Issue Paper. In paragraph 5 ( Details & Comments) at the end of the page you will be asked: “Is the manuscript a candidate for a special issue?” – select YES and select the name of the Special Issue “Special Issue in honour of Bozena Hilczer: Physics of ferroelectrics, electrets and polymers”.

For any questions or concerns please feel free to write to polcze@ifmpan.poznan.pl.


XXII Polish-Czech Seminar Structural and Ferroelectric Phase Transitions 2016