Another research project financed by NCN
Among the research projects that received funding from the National Science Centre (NCN) under the OPUS-26 LAP/Weave competition is the grant entitled “Magnetoelastic materials without rare earth elements for efficient and environmentally friendly magnetic cooling technology”, which will be led by Prof. Dr. hab. Tomasz Toliński from our Institute. The project was developed in consortium with the Włodzimierz Trzebiatowski Institute of Low Temperature and Structural Research of the Polish Academy of Sciences (allocated funding: 2.879.660 PLN, including 2.313.180 PLN for IMP PAS). The foreign partner is the IT4Innovations National Supercomputing Center at VSB – Technical University of Ostrava in the Czech Republic.
The proposal was reviewed in the ST (Physical Sciences and Engineering) division, within the ST11 (Materials Engineering) panel, where 13 out of 112 submissions received funding.
We sincerely congratulate Professor Toliński and the entire team on securing funding for such fascinating research, which holds great potential for practical application – read more about the project.